Wholly owned and operated by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC)
Mölnlycke Health Care Indigenous Award
The M ölnlycke Health Care Indigenous Award is designed to recognize the Academic achievement of a student who has identified as being Indigenous and who has demonstrated academic achievement in either the NSWOC WOC-EP Program or the Skin Wellness Associate Nurse (SWAN) Program. The successful applicant will also demonstrate how they will use what they have learned from their education program to benefit their community.
Total awards | Combien de prix
Deadline to apply | Date limite
April 15, 2024
Prize (per award) | Prix
Objectives | Objectifs
To recognize:
Academic excellence in wound, ostomy and continence education
The vision of an Indigenous NSWOC or SWAN graduate that demonstrates how they will “give back” to their community.
Qualifications | Critères
The recipient of this award must:
Identified as being Indigenous
Be a Member of the NSWOCC in good standing
Have graduated from the NSWOCC WOC-EP or SWAN Program within the past 3 years
Provide Social Insurance number
Provide a photo and a short story of their nursing background and their reason for taking the WOC-EP or SWAN program and give permission for these to be published in the NSWOC Advance
Answer 1 question, max 500 words, which would be reviewed and scored by the NSWOCC WOC-EP Awards committee.