Wholly owned and operated by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC)
To document the completion of program objectives in the clinical placement(s).
To provide a measurement of the student’s performance in the clinical setting(s).
To document that the student’s performance is consistent with the Canadian Standards of Practice for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence 3rd edition (NSWOCC, 2021).
The preceptor will complete a Clinical Evaluation at the end of the clinical placement.
The completed Clinical Evaluation will be reviewed by both the preceptor and student and the Summary completed and signed by both.
The completed Clinical Evaluation and Summary will be forwarded to the Preceptorship Manager by the student within two weeks of finishing the clinical placement. The student and the preceptor should retain a copy.
The preceptor will rate the students’ performance by considering the following statements and circling the corresponding number that best describes the student: The ratings will be totaled and converted to a mark out of 100 per cent. The student must achieve an overall rating of satisfactory (70%) to pass the preceptorship.
Excellent performance (4) – Consistently meets this objective. Consistently demonstrates initiative and a superior level of knowledge in meeting the objective. Independently meets this objective without preceptor guidance or assistance.
Good performance (3) – Meets this objective more than 80 per cent of the time. Demonstrates initiative and frequently exceeds the expected level of knowledge in meeting objectives. Rarely requires preceptor guidance or assistance.
Satisfactory performance (2) – Meets this objective at least 70% of the time. Usually demonstrates initiative and the expected level of knowledge in meeting this objective. Able to meet the objective without preceptor guidance or assistance at least 70% of the time.
Unsatisfactory (1) – Fails to meet this objective more than half the time. Demonstrates a lack of initiative and expected level of knowledge in meeting this objective. Consistently requires preceptor assistance.
Not Observed (N/O) – Objective can be achieved in the practice setting but is not observed.
Not Applicable (N/A) – Experiences to meet this objective are not available in the practice setting.
Definition of Terms
Consistent – Always adheres to the same practice.
Inconsistent – Does not always adhere to the same practice.
Frequent – Repeatedly occurring.
Occasional – Occurring at irregular intervals.
Usual – Occurring at regular intervals.
Rare – Seldom occurring.
Initiative – The ability to think and act independently of another’s influence, direction or suggestion.
Expected level of knowledge – Concepts, knowledge, and principles presented to the student to date in the course through assigned readings, and discussion groups are applied to clinical situations at the level of a beginning NSWOC.
Quality – the degree to which the objective is met. A statement by the preceptor will be required in the Summary section that will address the quality to which the student meets the objectives.
Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC). Canadian Standards of Practice for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence. (3rd ed.) 2021.